Rohit Gupta, Co-Founder & COO, College Vidya

Rohit Gupta, Co-Founder & COO, College Vidya

  • Rohit is the co-founder and chief operating officer of College Vidya. 
  • He has been instrumental in developing and executing marketing campaigns, product launches, channel development, and consumer research.



In this episode of “The Brand Called You,” Rohit Gupta, Co-Founder & COO of College Vidya delves into his journey from a commerce graduate to a pioneering entrepreneur in the education sector. He discusses the challenges and triumphs of building an online education platform that serves thousands of students daily, the role of technology in transforming education, and the future trends in online learning. Discover how College Vidya is making higher education accessible and personalized for students across India.

00:35- About Rohit Gupta

  • Rohit is the co-founder and chief operating officer of College Vidya. 
  • He has been instrumental in developing and executing marketing campaigns, product launches, channel development, and consumer research.
  • He was honored with the ET Leadership Excellence Award 2022 and has also been invited to speak at TedX events and other forums. 

14:50- What role does artificial intelligence play in enhancing the student experience on your platform?

  • AI provides a comparison feature to evaluate different educational products, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.
  • AI offers insights into the decisions made by peers, helping students understand popular choices and trends.
  • AI suggests trending courses and current offerings, simplifying decision-making for students.

16:55- What future trends do you foresee in the b2b admissions market? And how is College Vidya preparing for this?

  • Expansion of Online Education: Increase from 100-105 to 1000+ universities offering online education in India.
  • Virtual Reality Integration: Adoption of VR to create immersive, classroom-like experiences for online students.
  • Market Growth: Leveraging India’s large and diverse population to expand and serve a bigger market.


Learn more about Rohit Gupta: LinkedIn

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Thanks for listening! 


  • Rohit is the co-founder and chief operating officer of College Vidya. 
  • He has been instrumental in developing and executing marketing campaigns, product launches, channel development, and consumer research.
  • He was honored with the ET Leadership Excellence Award 2022 and has also been invited to speak at TedX events and other forums.

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