Roberto Manunta, Strategy & Security Advisor

Roberto Manunta, Strategy & Security Advisor

  • Roberto is a strategy and security adviser.
  • He is the Vice President of the Security and Risk Studies Institute.



In this episode of The Brand Called You, Roberto Manunta, a seasoned Strategy and Security Advisor delves into the essence of strategic security, emphasizing the need for a systemic approach that integrates various aspects of life and organizational structure. He discusses the common pitfalls in security management, the role of intelligence, and the influence of technology on future security strategies. Roberto also shares compelling examples and insights on how understanding root causes and aligning values can lead to more effective conflict resolution and security planning.

00:39- About Roberto Manunta

  • Roberto is a strategy and security adviser.
  • He is the Vice President of the Security and Risk Studies Institute. 
  • He is a former professor Asociado at the University of Barcelona. 
  • He holds a degree in Economics and politics from the University of Bath, and a MSc in Military Operational Research at Cranfield RMCS, Shrivenham, UK.

05:56- How does the systemic approach help in identifying the root causes of security problems?

  • The systemic approach looks beyond immediate symptoms to identify underlying causes, such as organizational culture or processes.
  • It helps in understanding the broader context and contributing factors of security issues, not just isolated incidents.
  • By addressing systemic issues, it aims to resolve the root causes and prevent the recurrence of security problems.

21:58- What are some of the key trends that you see shaping the future of strategic security?

  • AI will play a major role but is currently overhyped and not fully “intelligent”.
  • The exponential growth in data availability and processing capabilities will enhance intelligence analysis.
  • Advances in intelligence analysis require significant improvements in educational systems, focusing on the philosophy of science over just technical details.


Learn more about Roberto Manunta: LinkedIn

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  • Roberto is a strategy and security adviser.
  • He is the Vice President of the Security and Risk Studies Institute. 
  • He is a former professor Asociado at the University of Barcelona. 
  • He holds a degree in Economics and politics from the University of Bath, and a MSc in Military Operational Research at Cranfield RMCS, Shrivenham, UK.

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