Rik Coeckelbergs, Founder and Managing Director, The Banking Scene
- He is the Founder and Managing Director of The Banking Scene, an informal network organization for bankers and passionate about building communities and conceptualizing ideas, enabling sustainable business models.
Networking, they say, is about planting relationships. Networks help you when you need a better position or a solution to your concern. Sometimes, even seen negatively, it becomes indispensable to understand the intention with which one networks. It doesn’t always have to be several contacts, but the quality they bring to your life personally or professionally.
00:32- About Rik Coecklbergs
- I am the Founder and Managing Director of The Banking Scene, an informal network organization for bankers and passionate about building communities and conceptualizing ideas, enabling sustainable business models.
- In response to the pandemic, I set up The Banking Scene Afterwork, a weekly virtual round table where we bring together like-minded people to discuss everything related to banking and payments.
- Each week we invite a new special guest to talk about the future of banking and how banking contributes to a better world for human and society.
- This journey was my personal Master Class in Banking, which taught me more about this fascinating industry in 12 months than what I learned the 12 years before.
02:07- About The Banking Scene
- The Banking Scene is an active banking community and network organization for the financial industry in the Benelux and beyond.
- It inspires bankers during their journey to transforming the sector into a more innovative, agile and better version of its current self.
- Passionate about banking and related technologies, our mission is to accelerate networking.
- We do this by offering an essential platform that connects banking professionals.
- One that sparks thought-provoking dialogues, both online and offline.
04:01- What do your members gain from this network?
- They get a unique opportunity to reconnect with their existing network.
- Initially, my plan was to bring the network opportunities that I really enjoyed before to bring that to other people as well.
- So what I try to bring to those people is network opportunities possible business relations but also insights of where the industry is going and inspiration for what’s next to come.
05:10- Learnings and Challenges
- People should not be afraid to ask stupid questions.
- There are no stupid questions and people are happy to answer them.
- My big challenge is to really pivot the banking scene into a proper organization, not just a one-man show.
07:28- How important is networking in our lives, both professionally and personally?
- Networking is very significant, but it also depends on how much energy as a person you get out of it.
- If you want to build business relations outside your inner circle, that all happens with networking.
You can connect with Rik Coeckelbergs- LinkedIn
- I am the Founder and Managing Director of The Banking Scene, an informal network organization for bankers and passionate about building communities and conceptualizing ideas, enabling sustainable business models.
- In response to the pandemic, I set up The Banking Scene Afterwork, a weekly virtual round table where we bring together like-minded people to discuss everything related to banking and payments.
- Each week we invite a new special guest to talk about the future of banking and how banking contributes to a better world for human and society.
- This journey was my personal Master Class in Banking, which taught me more about this fascinating industry in 12 months than what I learned the 12 years before.