Pete Mathias, Partner, Alumni Ventures

Pete Mathias, Partner, Alumni Ventures

  • Pete Mathias is a venture capitalist and Partner at one of the world’s most active venture funds, Alumni Ventures.
  • Pete is a Distinction graduate of the University of Oxford, holds an MBA and A.B. (magna cum laude) from Dartmouth College, and an MPA from Harvard University.



In this captivating interview, Pete Mathias, a rising star in the venture capital world, shares his unique journey from drumming and cultural diplomacy to becoming a prominent investor. With a diverse background spanning the arts, education, and entrepreneurship, Mathias offers insightful perspectives on the inflection points that shaped his career. He delves into the themes that excite him, such as power, productivity, and security, while emphasizing the importance of embracing unexpected opportunities and maintaining a flexible mindset. Mathias’ unconventional path serves as an inspiration for those seeking to combine their passions and make a lasting impact.

00:09- About Pete Mathias

  • Pete Mathias is a venture capitalist and Partner at one of the world’s most active venture funds, Alumni Ventures.
  • Pete is a Distinction graduate of the University of Oxford, holds an MBA and A.B. (magna cum laude) from Dartmouth College, and an MPA from Harvard University.
  • He has a creative core as a drummer for the indie rock band Filligar, which has been designated as a “Cultural Ambassador” by the U.S. Department of State.

18:13- Can you describe your journey and experiences in venture capital, starting from your time as a student fellow for Six Ventures and leading up to the present

  • I was inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit of the founding fathers, who were themselves entrepreneurs, I saw venture capital as a key driver of American progress and power, celebrating the spirit of entrepreneurship and the acceptance of failure.
  • I started as a student fellow, sourcing companies and gaining initial exposure to venture capital. This role highlighted the importance of finding and backing promising companies.
  • I gained international experience with Bertelsmann in Europe and China, shaping investment strategies. I’m currently working at Alumni Ventures, one of the most active venture funds, serving over 10,000 retail investors and focusing on diversified portfolios. This position is seen as both a privilege and a continuous challenge.

54:01- What would be your recommendation or maybe some questions that you want to throw to the audience that they can ponder when they leave this interview?

  • Trust your unique journey and experiences, and don’t let others reshape your story to fit their perspectives.
  • While advice can be useful, always weigh and adjust it to fit your context and experiences.
  • Recognize the responsibility and seriousness of your role, especially when managing resources that result from others’ hard work and sacrifices.


Learn more about Pete Mathias: LinkedIn

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  • Pete Mathias is a venture capitalist and Partner at one of the world’s most active venture funds, Alumni Ventures.
  • Pete is a Distinction graduate of the University of Oxford, holds an MBA and A.B. (magna cum laude) from Dartmouth College, and an MPA from Harvard University.
  • He has a creative core as a drummer for the indie rock band Filligar, which has been designated as a “Cultural Ambassador” by the U.S. Department of State.

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