Author Archives: Guest Guest

Dr Eldon Blackman, Educator, Conductor, Storyteller

Dr Eldon Blackman is an Educator, Conductor, and Storyteller.
Dr Eldon helps leaders learn how to communicate their vision so that it inspires their team to always go further.

Harry Sanders’ Inspiring Journey of Resilience | Harry Sanders, Founder, StudioHawk

Harry is the founder of StudioHawk, an award-winning dedicated SEO agency in Australia, specialising in providing quality SEO services to businesses.
His journey has been chronicled by Forbes and BBC World News.

Joanne Wong | Chair, IEEE Entrepreneurship; General Partner of REDDS Capital

Joanne is the General Partner at REDDS Capital, a VC firm investing in global early-stage IT startups.
She is the Chair of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

Giovanna D’Esposito, Sr Portfolio Director, Whysol Investments; Fmr GM, Uber, Southern Europe

Giovanna D’Esposito is a Senior Portfolio Director at Whysol Investments.
She is also the former General Manager of Uber, Southern Europe.