Category Archives: Industry

Harry Sanders’ Inspiring Journey of Resilience | Harry Sanders, Founder, StudioHawk

Harry is the founder of StudioHawk, an award-winning dedicated SEO agency in Australia, specialising in providing quality SEO services to businesses.
His journey has been chronicled by Forbes and BBC World News.

Joanne Wong | Chair, IEEE Entrepreneurship; General Partner of REDDS Capital

Joanne is the General Partner at REDDS Capital, a VC firm investing in global early-stage IT startups.
She is the Chair of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

Giovanna D’Esposito, Sr Portfolio Director, Whysol Investments; Fmr GM, Uber, Southern Europe

Giovanna D’Esposito is a Senior Portfolio Director at Whysol Investments.
She is also the former General Manager of Uber, Southern Europe.