Category Archives: Pharma; Healthcare

Dr. Ardeshir Mehran | Emotional Peak Performance Architect; Author, ‘You Are Not Depressed. You Are Un-Finished’

Dr. Mehran is an emotional peak performance architect.
He is an author titled, “You Are Not Depressed. You Are Un-Finished.”

Dr Bandy X Lee | Forensic psychiatrist; Author, ‘Profile of a Nation: Trump’s Mind, America’s Soul’

Dr Bandy is a forensic psychiatrist and a world expert on violence.
He became known to the public by leading a group of mental health professionals in Breaking the Silence, about Donald Trump’s psychology.

Dr. Beatriz Olson | Author, Mind Body Secrets – A Medical Doctor’s Spiritual and Scientific Guru

Dr. Olson is an integrative endocrinologist.
She is also board-certified in metabolism, diabetes, internal medicine and age management medicine.

Dr. Rajani Bhat | Consultant, Interventional Pulmonology & Palliative Medicine, Sparsh Hospitals

Dr. Bhat is a consultant in Interventional Pulmonology and Palliative Medicine at the Sparsh Hospitals, Bangalore.
She is very passionate about public health.

Laila Leonida | Founder, Soul Space; Soul Connection Facilitator

Laila is a Soul Connection Facilitator.
She is the Founder of Soul Space, which tapped into spiritual practices through the lens of meditation, yoga and bhakti.