Category Archives: Female

Lisa Bennett | Author, Award-Winning Journalist, Speaker, and Coach

Lisa is a co-author of a book titled, “Ecoliterate with emotional intelligence expert Daniel Goleman.
She has a forthcoming book which is, “Mission Driven: Leading With Courage in an Uncertain World.”

Michele Phillips | Author, ‘Happiness is a Habit – Simple Daily Rituals That Increase Energy, Improve Well-Being, and Add Joy to Every Day’; Keynote Speaker; Coach

Michele is an award-winning author, a keynote speaker, a corporate workshop leader and a coach.
She is a founder specialising in increasing happiness and individual performance in the workplace.

Babette Bensoussan, The Decision-Making Maverick; Life, Leadership & Business Coach

Babette is the Decision-Making Maverick.
She is a life leadership and business coach. She’s also a competition and strategy specialist.

Katrena Friel, Keynote Speaker, Author, Mentor, Personal Branding Expert

Katrena Friel is a keynote speaker, author, mentor, and personal branding expert.
She also had over 25 years of experience as a business mentor.

Dr Larisa Corda, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist; Author, The Conception Plan.mp4

Dr Larisa Corda is an obstetrician and gynaecologist with a speciality in fertility.
She’s a TV doctor and the author of a book titled “The Conception Plan.”