Category Archives: Female

S C Sharada, Founder, SC Sharada and Associates, Company Secretaries

S C Sharada, Founder, SC Sharada and Associates, Company Secretaries

As a Company Secretary who has an experience of 20+ years, Sharada talks about the central role of the job. She firmly believes that her role is multi fold and holds high expectations.

Poonam Kathuria, Founder, Society for Women’s Action and Training Initiatives (SWATI)

Poonam Kathuria, Founder, Society for Women's Action and Training Initiatives (SWATI)

The indian society is deeply rooted in patriarchy and male dominated cultural systems. This dominance has led to the other genders taking a secondary position in society.

Pinky Maheshwari, Co-Founder, Surprise Someone

Pinky believes that the amount of harm we cause to the environment by constant consumption of fresh papers is alarming. She encourages the use of recycled paper which is an eco friendly and responsible option.