Category Archives: English

Prof. Emma Seppälä | PhD, Author, ‘Sovereign’; Yale School of Management Faculty

Prof. Emma Seppälä is the author of a book titled, “Sovereign” and “The Happiness Track.”
She is a member of the Yale School of Management Faculty.

Sharath Jeevan, OBE, Author, ‘Inflection- A Roadmap for Leaders at a Crossroads’; Chairman, Int

Sharath Jeevan is the author of a book titled, ‘Inflection: A Roadmap for Leaders at a Crossroads.’
He’s the chairman of Intrinsic Labs and has been recognized amongst the top 10 social entrepreneurs in the UK.

Vanesh Naidoo, Founder & Director, Safe Cams Digital Eye

Vanesh Naidoo is the founder and director of Safe Cams Digital Eye, which is the leading Indian car safety solutions brand.
He has provided consulting and product control management services to large financial institutions.

Prof Edward Hess, Prof Emeritus of Business Administration, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia

Professor Hess is the professor emeritus of Business Administration, at the Darden School of Business University of Virginia.
He’s the author of 15 books, his latest book is Own Your Work Journey

Rahul Hari, Founder and CEO, Satvacart, an online grocery delivery company, India

Rahul Hari is the founder and chief executive officer of Satvacart, which is India’s only demonstrably profitable online grocery delivery company.
He is a seasoned management professional with experience in Strategy, Business Transformation, Data Analytics and Systems design across EY, Cleartrip, O3 Capital and NetApp.