Category Archives: English

Dr. Petra Arends Paltzer, Founder, Davos Digital Forum; Rolemodel Rebels

Petra is the founder of the Davos Digital Forum and Rolemodel Rebels
She’s the author of a book titled, Digital Transformation and Legal Transformation.

Srinivas S Krishnan | Regional MD (South Asia), Member, Executive Leadership Team, Crown Worldwide Group

Mr. Krishnan is the Regional Managing Director, of South Asia and a member of the executive leadership team of Crown Worldwide Group.
He is a passionate cricketer and has represented the state of Java in Indonesia.

Dr. Sreeram Sundar Chaulia | Professor and Dean, Jindal School of International Affairs

Dr. Chaulia is a Professor and Dean of the Jindal School of International Affairs.
He hosts the weekly Indian diplomacy TV show on India’s national broadcaster. DDI India.