Category Archives: Business Leader

Dr Tim Pletcher, CEO, Velatura Public Benefit Corporation and the Interoperability Institute

Dr Tim Pletcher has an amazing background and is definitely a prominent figure in health information technology.
He’s been in digital transformation and data analytics for a long time.

Jaap van den Herik, Founding Father of AI in the Netherlands

Jaap van den Herik has a remarkable history of accomplishments and contributions across multiple disciplines including mathematics, computer science, chess, and law.
His work spans from dealing with multiple stakeholders to being truly multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary.

Elle Ebizadeh, Relationship Coach, Heart2Heart Coaching

Elle Ebizadeh is a relationship coach of Heart2Heart coaching.
Her mission is to help individuals create, find, and develop deep connections with themselves, as well as with romantic partners, family, and friends.

Guillermo Söhnlein | Chairman and CEO, WayPaver Foundation

Guillermo is the Co-Founder at Humans2Venus, a global community focused on establishing a permanent human presence in the Venusian atmosphere.
He is an Independent Board Member and Social Entrepreneur.

Prof. Emma Seppälä | PhD, Author, ‘Sovereign’; Yale School of Management Faculty

Prof. Emma Seppälä is the author of a book titled, “Sovereign” and “The Happiness Track.”
She is a member of the Yale School of Management Faculty.