Category Archives: Entrepreneur

Lisa Bennett | Author, Award-Winning Journalist, Speaker, and Coach

Lisa is a co-author of a book titled, “Ecoliterate with emotional intelligence expert Daniel Goleman.
She has a forthcoming book which is, “Mission Driven: Leading With Courage in an Uncertain World.”

Michele Phillips | Author, ‘Happiness is a Habit – Simple Daily Rituals That Increase Energy, Improve Well-Being, and Add Joy to Every Day’; Keynote Speaker; Coach

Michele is an award-winning author, a keynote speaker, a corporate workshop leader and a coach.
She is a founder specialising in increasing happiness and individual performance in the workplace.

Babette Bensoussan, The Decision-Making Maverick; Life, Leadership & Business Coach

Babette is the Decision-Making Maverick.
She is a life leadership and business coach. She’s also a competition and strategy specialist.

Rob Eveleigh | Founder & MD of Brightelm – The Event Agency for Associations

Rob is the Founder and Managing Director of Brightelm, an event management company.
He has a background in the hospitality industry, with experience ranging from event catering to managing major events like EURO 96 and the Brit Awards.

Katrena Friel, Keynote Speaker, Author, Mentor, Personal Branding Expert

Katrena Friel is a keynote speaker, author, mentor, and personal branding expert.
She also had over 25 years of experience as a business mentor.