Category Archives: Entrepreneur

Harry Sanders’ Inspiring Journey of Resilience | Harry Sanders, Founder, StudioHawk

Harry is the founder of StudioHawk, an award-winning dedicated SEO agency in Australia, specialising in providing quality SEO services to businesses.
His journey has been chronicled by Forbes and BBC World News.

Giovanna D’Esposito, Sr Portfolio Director, Whysol Investments; Fmr GM, Uber, Southern Europe

Giovanna D’Esposito is a Senior Portfolio Director at Whysol Investments.
She is also the former General Manager of Uber, Southern Europe.

Priti Sridhar, CEO, Mariwala Health Initiative

Priti Sridhar is the Chief Executive Officer of the Mariwala Health Initiative.
She spearheads the advocacy initiatives, where she leads the work on suicide prevention and workplace mental health.

Andrea Nelson Trice, PhD, President, Catalyst Research LLC; Author

Andrea Nelson Trice is the President of Catalyst Research LLC.
She’s a Senior Associate at the National Institute For Social Impact and an affiliate faculty member of the Regis University.

Prof Paolo Taticchi, Prof Strategy & Sustainability, Univ College London School of Management

Prof Paolo Taticchi is a professor of strategy and sustainability at the University College of London School of Management.
In addition to his academic and advisory work, he is also an entrepreneur, having co-founded four firms in the fields of engineering technology and consultancy.