Antonie Fountain, MD, the VOICE Network – Sustainability of Cocoa and Coffee

Antonie Fountain, MD, the VOICE Network – Sustainability of Cocoa and Coffee

  • Antonie is the managing director of the Voice Network, which is focused on the sustainability of cocoa and coffee. 
  • He’s been decorated and recognized several times, especially in the areas of sustainable cocoa.



In the latest episode of “The Brand Called You,” Antonie Fountain, Managing Director of the VOICE Network shares his incredible journey from aspiring rockstar to a leading advocate for sustainability in the cocoa and coffee industries. He discusses the vital role of regulation, the challenges of poverty, and the importance of civil society in holding power accountable. Tune in to learn about the complexities of global trade, the impact of technology on agriculture, and the future of ethical consumerism.

00:31- About Antonie Fountain

  • Antonie is the managing director of the Voice Network, which is focused on the sustainability of cocoa and coffee. 
  • He’s been decorated and recognized several times, especially in the areas of sustainable cocoa.

10:48- How can technology be used to promote sustainability?

  • Utilize technology alongside organic and regenerative methods to address specific sustainability issues effectively.
  • Ensure that technological solutions do not exacerbate existing power imbalances, which can lead to increased inequality.
  • Use technology to improve productivity, diversify income, and enhance agricultural practices while considering political issues related to risk, reward, and responsibility distribution.

24:05- What has been your most rewarding experience in your work with sustainability?

  • Increased visibility and presence of voices from the global South in the cocoa sector over the last 20 years.
  • Significant role in driving regulatory shifts in Europe, including the cocoa sector advocating for regulation.
  • Advancing the debate on fair compensation for farmers, moving from market-based pricing to discussions on appropriate pay for farmers.


Learn more about Antonie Fountain: LinkedIn

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  • Antonie is the managing director of the Voice Network, which is focused on the sustainability of cocoa and coffee. 
  • He’s been decorated and recognized several times, especially in the areas of sustainable cocoa.

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