Graeme Muller, Chief Executive, New Zealand Technology Industry Association (NZTech)

Graeme Muller, Chief Executive, New Zealand Technology Industry Association (NZTech)

  • Graeme is the CEO of NZTech.
  • He is an executive with several IT-related associations.



In this insightful interview, Graeme Muller, CEO of NZTech, discusses the role of his organization in promoting technology adoption and bridging the gap between tech and business in New Zealand. He highlights the importance of understanding the opportunities and risks associated with emerging technologies like AI and how NZTech is helping businesses embrace tech solutions for productivity gains, emissions reduction, and sustainable growth. Muller also shares his journey, from a pharmacist to a tech leader, and offers valuable advice for young managers on effective leadership through open communication and contextual understanding.

00:39- About Graeme Muller

  • Graeme is the CEO of NZTech.
  • He is an executive with several IT-related associations.
  • He’s been involved as the Executive Council of AI forum NZ, IoT bitser, IDC. He used to be the chair of the NZ Table Tennis Association and lives in Auckland.

22:46- Have there been some key milestones in your life and your career where you feel that in hindsight, was a milestone where something changed for me?

  • Early in my career, the realization dawned that managing people ignited my passion more than the technical aspects of my profession, setting the stage for subsequent milestones.
  • Pursuing an MBA in London marked a significant turning point, providing structured learning, exposure to diverse perspectives, and a valuable network, empowering me for senior managerial roles.
  • Guided by insightful coaching and recognizing common themes in my varied experiences, I focused on roles integrating people management and communications, ultimately leading me to thrive in the tech sector and leverage technology to enhance team productivity and effectiveness.

32:19- Is there any explicit advice you would give young people out there, young managers starting their journey? What would that advice be?

  • In your first year, take advantage of being new by asking many questions to learn and improve. This will help you understand the job better and gain valuable insights.
  • In your second year, even with growing confidence and knowledge, maintain the habit of asking questions. It will help you learn more and avoid the pitfall of thinking you know everything.
  • By the third year, people will seek your advice, but keep asking questions. This practice ensures you stay informed, understand the context better, and enhance your effectiveness as a manager.


Learn more about Graeme Muller: LinkedIn

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  • Graeme is the CEO of NZTech.
  • He is an executive with several IT-related associations.
  • He’s been involved as the Executive Council of AI forum NZ, IoT bitser, IDC. He used to be the chair of the NZ Table Tennis Association and lives in Auckland.

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