Ben Tallon, Author, ‘The Creative Condition’ AND ‘Champagne and Wax Crayons: Riding the Madness of the Creative Industries’

Ben Tallon, Author, ‘The Creative Condition’ AND ‘Champagne and Wax Crayons: Riding the Madness of the Creative Industries’

  • Ben is the author of a book titled Champagne and Wax Crayons: Riding the Madness of the Creative Industries.
  • He’s also the author of another book called The Creative Condition. 



In this insightful interview on ‘The Brand Called You’, Ben Tallon shares his journey from freelance illustrator to acclaimed author, exploring the multifaceted nature of creativity in his latest book ‘The Creative Condition’ and reflecting on the personal journey recounted in ‘Champagne and Wax Crayons: Riding the Madness of the Creative Industries’. Discover how creativity spans far beyond traditional artistic endeavors, impacting diverse fields from science to business.

00:33- About Ben Tallon

  • Ben is the author of a book titled Champagne and Wax Crayons: Riding the Madness of the Creative Industries.
  • He’s also the author of another book called The Creative Condition. 
  • Ben is an illustrator, author, and host of The Creative Condition Podcast.

15:06- How can leaders and professionals foster a creative environment in their teams?

  • Foster trust and autonomy: Encourage teams to take ownership of their roles and decisions.
  • Embrace diversity: Value employees for their unique perspectives and backgrounds.
  • Promote a culture of openness: Encourage brainstorming, experimentation, and creative risk-taking without fear of failure.

21:08- What is the single most important message you hope readers will take away from your book, The Creative Condition?

  • We are all inherently creative beings by nature.
  • Embracing playfulness and self-discovery nurtures our creativity.
  • Cultivating creativity enriches our happiness and passion in life.


Learn more about Ben Tallon: LinkedIn

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Thanks for listening! 


  • Ben is the author of a book titled Champagne and Wax Crayons: Riding the Madness of the Creative Industries.
  • He’s also the author of another book called The Creative Condition. 
  • Ben is an illustrator, author, and host of The Creative Condition Podcast.

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