Pranjal Sharma, Author, ‘The Next New – Navigating the Fifth Industrial Revolution’

Pranjal Sharma, Author, ‘The Next New – Navigating the Fifth Industrial Revolution’

  • He is a renowned economic analyst and advisor, offering insights and guidance on economic trends and policies.
  • He has authored several influential books, including his latest work, “The Next New: Navigating the Fifth Industrial Revolution,” which explores the impact of emerging technologies on global economies.



In this episode of “The Brand Called You”, Pranjal Sharma, journalist, author, and economic analyst from New Delhi, India elaborates on his latest book, The Next New: Navigating the Fifth Industrial Revolution. He explores how technology, sustainability, and social impact are reshaping business models and industries. Pranjal addresses smart manufacturing, cybersecurity, and innovations in sectors like aerospace, agriculture, and energy. He highlights the challenges and opportunities of rapid technological change, emphasizing the need for adaptation in the workforce.

00:38- About Pranjal Sharma

  • He is a renowned economic analyst and advisor, offering insights and guidance on economic trends and policies.
  • He has authored several influential books, including his latest work, “The Next New: Navigating the Fifth Industrial Revolution,” which explores the impact of emerging technologies on global economies.
  • Pranjal leads public discourse at global and national platforms including the World Economic Forum, St Gallen Symposium, Horasis Global Meeting, and AIMA.

03:49- How do you define the Fifth Industrial Revolution? And what are some of the key driving forces behind this transition?

  • The Fifth Industrial Revolution emphasizes using technology in ways that benefit society while avoiding harm to civil society, government, and businesses.
  • It focuses on effectively harnessing, containing, and channelling technology, drawing parallels to the controlled use of electricity and fire.
  • This revolution is critical as improper handling of technology could lead to significant negative consequences, whereas proper management can lead to substantial benefits.

27:05- What advice would you give to young professionals entering the workforce in the era of the Fifth Industrial Revolution?

  • Professionals cannot rely on a single degree for their entire career; they must continually update and expand their knowledge.
  • Young professionals should master multiple skills and domains, as the demand for specific combinations of expertise can change unpredictably.
  • Openness to adopting and adapting new skills and technologies will be crucial for staying relevant in the job market.


Learn more about Pranjal Sharma: LinkedIn

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  • He is a renowned economic analyst and advisor, offering insights and guidance on economic trends and policies.
  • He has authored several influential books, including his latest work, “The Next New: Navigating the Fifth Industrial Revolution,” which explores the impact of emerging technologies on global economies.
  • Pranjal leads public discourse at global and national platforms including the World Economic Forum, St Gallen Symposium, Horasis Global Meeting, and AIMA.

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