Peter Ivany | Chairman, Ivany Investment Group

Peter Ivany | Chairman, Ivany Investment Group

  • Peter is the Chairman of Ivany Investment Group.
  • He was the CEO of Hoyts Cinemas, one of the largest cinema chains in Australia, during a pivotal period of growth and expansion.



Israel’s challenges and global perceptions are shaped by a complex interplay of historical, cultural, and geopolitical factors. Peter Ivany, a prominent Australian businessman and philanthropist, emphasises the nuanced understanding required to navigate these dynamics. Israel’s geopolitical position brings security concerns and regional tensions, while international opinions on its policies create diverse diplomatic challenges. As Israel strives for stability and peace, figures like Ivany highlight the importance of addressing these issues with a balanced and informed approach, recognizing the delicate balance between internal development and international relations.

[00:40] – About Peter Ivany

  • Peter is the Chairman of Ivany Investment Group.
  • He was the CEO of Hoyts Cinemas, one of the largest cinema chains in Australia, during a pivotal period of growth and expansion.
  • He is a member of the Sydney Cricket Sports Ground Trust.
  • He is the recipient of Australia’s highest award, which is the Australian order.
  • Peter is also a member of the YPO. 

[01:11] – What role do you think Israel plays in the broader Middle East region today?

  • Israel represents western values and serves as a democracy in the Middle East. 
  • Israel is like a “canary in the coal mine.” 
  • It is often targeted first in broader geopolitical conflicts, particularly involving Iran and its allies.

[04:24] – What are some significant challenges facing Israel today?

  • External challenges include Israel’s position as a focal point in regional conflicts and the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear capabilities. 
  • Internal challenges include the influence of extreme political elements and the need for secure borders.

[20:33] – What were the primary triggers for the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas?

  • The conflict was primarily triggered by geopolitical factors, particularly the potential rapprochement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, which Iran opposed. 
  • One needs to note the long-standing animosity and radicalization within Hamas, supported by Iran and other countries. 

[27:30] – What lessons can be learned from the recent conflict that might help prevent future escalations?

  • There is a necessity of open communication channels and a commitment to peace-building efforts. 
  • Diplomacy and international mediation has a critical role in addressing underlying tensions and fostering long-term stability. 
  • There is also a need for addressing root causes, such as socio-economic disparities and political grievances, to create a more conducive environment for lasting peace.


Learn more about Peter Ivany:Website

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  • Peter is the Chairman of Ivany Investment Group.
  • He was the CEO of Hoyts Cinemas, one of the largest cinema chains in Australia, during a pivotal period of growth and expansion.
  • He is a member of the Sydney Cricket Sports Ground Trust.
  • He is the recipient of Australia’s highest award, which is the Australian order.
  • Peter is also a member of the YPO. 

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