Doug Howarth, Author, Inventor, Discoverer of Hypernomics

Doug Howarth, Author, Inventor, Discoverer of Hypernomics

  • Doug is the Chief Executive Officer of Hypernomics Incorporated. 
  • He’s an author, inventor, and discoverer of Hypernomics. 



In this episode of “The Brand Called You,” Doug Howarth, CEO of Hypernomics Incorporated shares his journey and introduces Hypernomics, a groundbreaking approach to market analysis that incorporates multiple dimensions beyond traditional supply and demand. Learn how this innovative model is being utilized by industries like aerospace and defense, and discover its potential to revolutionize economics and product development.

00:35- About Doug Howarth

  • Doug is the Chief Executive Officer of Hypernomics Incorporated. 
  • He’s an author, inventor, and discoverer of Hypernomics. 
  • He’s the author of a book titled Hypernomics: Using Hidden Dimensions to Solve Unseen Problems.

18:39- What advice would you give to young economists interested in multi-dimensional market analysis?

  • Challenge the idea that there is only one equilibrium point in the market, especially for products with multiple features.
  • Recognize that factors like cabin volume and speed can influence prices and understand that traditional supply and demand models may not apply.
  • Embrace and explore new approaches like hypernomics to advance market analysis, similar to how calculus revolutionized mathematics and science.

21:36- What would you like your legacy to be in the field of Hypernomics?

  • Be recognized as the person who discovered and introduced hypernomics to the world.
  • Increase the success rate of new product ideas, improving from the current 5% to higher percentages.
  • Reduce financial waste and contribute to making the world a better place through the principles of hypernomics.


Learn more about Doug Howarth: LinkedIn

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Thanks for listening! 


  • Doug is the Chief Executive Officer of Hypernomics Incorporated. 
  • He’s an author, inventor, and discoverer of Hypernomics. 
  • He’s the author of a book titled Hypernomics: Using Hidden Dimensions to Solve Unseen Problems.

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