Jeno Manickam Durairaj, Co-Founder and CTO, MediSim VR

Jeno Manickam Durairaj, Co-Founder and CTO, MediSim VR

  • Jeno is the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Medisim VR. 
  • He specializes in developing immersive experiences that merge the digital and physical worlds.



Delve into the transformative potential of AR and VR technologies in medical training simulation. Discover insights from Jeno Manickam Durairaj, Co-Founder and CTO of MediSim VR, as he discusses the evolution of immersive technology and its applications in revolutionizing healthcare education.

00:34- About Jeno Manickam Durairaj

  • Jeno is the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Medisim VR. 
  • He specializes in developing immersive experiences that merge the digital and physical worlds.

17:59- What do you see as the role of AR and VR technologies in medical training simulation as these technologies become more mainstream?

  • AR and VR technologies offer immersive experiences that improve memory retention and provide a head start for medical students by simulating real-life cases, leading to better understanding and confidence in handling patient scenarios.
  • Utilizing haptics in AR and VR simulations enables training of muscle memory-driven skills, particularly beneficial in surgical training. This approach, combined with visual immersion, can significantly reduce errors and enhance training speed, especially for Nursing and Allied Health Workers who lack extensive training methodologies and cannot afford to train directly on patients. 
  • By closely replicating real-life scenarios and offering realistic experiences, AR and VR technologies have the potential to greatly reduce errors and accelerate the training process, benefiting both students and healthcare professionals.

20:41- What is the most important lesson you have learned from a failure or a challenging project?

  • I initially misjudged the extensive scale required for the project.
  • I shifted to a platform-based approach to ensure scalability and efficient deployment.
  • Learned the importance of being able to quickly adapt content for different regions and protocols.


Learn more about Jeno Manickam Durairaj: LinkedIn

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  • Jeno is the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Medisim VR. 
  • He specializes in developing immersive experiences that merge the digital and physical worlds.

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