Senator Tony Loffreda, Standing Senate Committee on National Finance, Canada

Senator Tony Loffreda, Standing Senate Committee on National Finance, Canada

  • Senator Loffreda was appointed to the Senate of Canada in 2019 by the Governor General of Canada. 
  • He is the first Canadian bond senator of Italian descent. 



In this episode of “The Brand Called You,” Senator Tony Loffreda shares his remarkable journey from being Canada’s first Canadian-born senator of Italian descent to a key player in national finance.Discover his insights on leadership, the importance of community, and his vision for a prosperous future. Senator Loffreda’s experience spans decades in banking and public service, offering a wealth of wisdom on overcoming challenges and driving positive change.

00:40-About Senator Tony Loffreda

  • Senator Loffreda was appointed to the Senate of Canada in 2019 by the Governor General of Canada.
  • He is the first Canadian born senator of Italian descent.
  • He sits on the standing Senate Committee on national finance and the standing Senate Committee on internal economy budgets and administration.
  • He also serves as deputy chair of the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, trade, and the Economy.
  • Senator Loffreda was the former vice chairman and executive at the Royal Bank of Canada.
  • He’s been recognized, felicitated, and awarded several times.

17:18- What are some of the pressing challenges you see today?

  • Achieving world peace is crucial as ongoing conflicts and wars undermine global prosperity.
  • Addressing global poverty is essential; it requires not just wealth distribution but wealth creation through incentivizing entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Economic prosperity and addressing homelessness are pressing challenges; solutions involve listening to people and motivating investment and job creation.

21:38- What are some of the key leadership lessons you have learned throughout your career in the corporate world, and as a political figure?

  • Building a strong network is crucial; focus on giving value and surrounding yourself with people who want you to succeed.
  • Leadership involves being fair and strong rather than just being nice; earning respect is essential.
  • Create instant intimacy in networking by discussing personal interests first (Family, Occupation, Recreation) before business.


Learn more about Senator Tony Loffreda: LinkedIn

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Thanks for listening! 


  • Senator Loffreda was appointed to the Senate of Canada in 2019 by the Governor General of Canada.
  • He is the first Canadian born senator of Italian descent.
  • He sits on the standing Senate Committee on national finance and the standing Senate Committee on internal economy budgets and administration.
  • He also serves as deputy chair of the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, trade, and the Economy.
  • Senator Loffreda was the former vice chairman and executive at the Royal Bank of Canada.
    He’s been recognized, felicitated, and awarded several times.

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