Jesse James Wroblewski, CEO, Supervillain; Author, ‘Marketing For Supervillains’

Jesse James Wroblewski, CEO, Supervillain; Author, ‘Marketing For Supervillains’

  • Jesse is the Chief Executive Officer of Supervillain. 
  • He’s the author of a book titled, Marketing for Supervillains: Diabolical Tips on Differentiation, Decommoditization and World Domination.



In the interview, Jesse James Wroblewski, CEO of Supervillain and author of “Marketing for Supervillains”, discussed his three key concepts of differentiation, decommoditization, and world domination for effective marketing strategies. He covered common mistakes brands make in trying to differentiate, like not going all-in on what makes them unique. Wroblewski explored how technology enables differentiation through social media but also increases competition. He also touched on the role of consumer trends, risks of watering down your differentiator, components of a “world domination” strategy, maintaining brand authenticity while pursuing global markets, and social media’s impact on industry dominance.

00:31- About Jesse James Wroblewsk

  • Jesse is the Chief Executive Officer of Supervillain. 
  • He’s the author of a book titled, Marketing for Supervillains: Diabolical Tips on Differentiation, Decommoditization and World Domination.
  • He helps brands desperate for distinction and rescues companies from commoditization.

07:23- How can brands differentiate themselves today, compared to what they used to be in the past?

  • It’s kind of a gift and a curse. The biggest need for differentiation is because of technology.
  • We have now an explosion of choices. So back in the day, you almost have to know someone who knew someone to get something done. 
  • Now, with the click of a button, I can get 100 competitors.

19:23- What is one key lesson you want your readers and our viewers and listeners to take away from all the research that you’ve done in your book?

  • Every brand, every product in the world can be differentiated and the common misconception is, that I’m not special.
  • Water for most of the developed world is free. But people buy it for convenience or refrigeration, etc.
  • Take a step back, don’t laser focus on what you’re selling, but focus on the byproduct of what your clients experience when they purchase your product.


Learn more about Jesse James Wroblewski: LinkedIn

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  • Jesse is the Chief Executive Officer of Supervillain. 
  • He’s the author of a book titled, Marketing for Supervillains: Diabolical Tips on Differentiation, Decommoditization and World Domination.
  • He helps brands desperate for distinction and rescues companies from commoditization.

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