Daniela Herrmann | Co-founder, Dynex; President and Founder, Topan Ecosystem

Daniela Herrmann | Co-founder, Dynex; President and Founder, Topan Ecosystem

  • Daniela is the Co-founder of Dynex, the world’s only accessible neuromorphic n.quantum computing cloud for solving real-world problems.
  • She is the President and founder of the Topan® Ecosystem (2011), including Topan® and MapuFin®, a group of innovation-driven companies across business, finance, and investment management, focused on developing Economic, Ecological and Ethical values (Triple-E® tech).



In the evolving landscape of wealth management, sustainable investment strategies are essential. Driven by the need for responsible investing, these strategies align with ethical principles and long-term environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. Daniela Herrmann, a leader in quantum computing and AI, highlights the importance of ethical considerations and positive communication in innovation. Wealth managers can integrate sustainable strategies by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and adhering to ethical standards, ensuring their portfolios are profitable and contribute to a sustainable future. Embracing this approach positions firms at the forefront of innovation and positive impact.

[00:15] – About Daniela Herrmann

  • Daniela is the Co-founder of Dynex, the world’s only accessible neuromorphic n.quantum computing cloud for solving real-world problems.
  • She is the President and founder of the Topan® Ecosystem (2011), including Topan® and MapuFin®, a group of innovation-driven companies across business, finance, and investment management, focused on developing Economic, Ecological and Ethical values (Triple-E® tech).

[13:40] – Can you talk about Topan Ecosystem and then Triple-E® tech?

  • Topan is a translation of an indigenous word and stands for success. 
  • It was a philosophy to create something that follows the One Garden principles, moving capital in the right direction, and economic, ecological, and ethical value development supportive. 
  • Triple-E® tech is more big data-driven and public market-driven. 

[19:40] – Can you break down the components of the neuromorphic quantum computing cloud and how they come together?

  • Neuromorphic quantum computing became for us a very interesting subset of alternative supercomputing. 
  • DX coin was launched in 2020, which is a cryptocurrency, and had a network built up on GPU miners to support the compute power needed to solve real-world problems. 

[39:54] – What are your views on quantum computing, and do you think it will solve real-world problems soon?

  • Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionise various industries, but accessibility is crucial for widespread adoption. 
  • I believe neuromorphic quantum computing will outperform classical-quantum computing, but we need to ensure availability for all researchers and organisations to unlock its full potential.

[51:26] – What are your recommendations for the audience?

  • Embrace a more positive communication style focused on inspiring innovation and addressing global challenges. 
  • By co-creating solutions and demonstrating a commitment to positive change, we can empower future generations to dream and innovate freely.


Learn more about Daniela Herrmann: LinkedIn

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  • Daniela is the Co-founder of Dynex, the world’s only accessible neuromorphic n.quantum computing cloud for solving real-world problems.
  • She is the President and founder of the Topan® Ecosystem (2011), including Topan® and MapuFin®, a group of innovation-driven companies across business, finance, and investment management, focused on developing Economic, Ecological and Ethical values (Triple-E® tech).

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