Marcel Gomes, Executive Secretary of the NGO, Repórter Brasil

Marcel Gomes, Executive Secretary of the NGO, Repórter Brasil

  • Marcel is the Executive Secretary of the NGO, Repórter Brasil. 
  • He has been coordinating research on the social and environmental impacts of commodity supply chains and textile and garment production. 



In this episode of The Brand Called You, Marcel Gomes, the Executive Secretary of the NGO, Repórter Brazil shares his insights on the critical social and environmental issues linked to Brazil’s commodity supply chains, including modern slavery, child labor, and deforestation. He also highlights the efforts being made to improve labor conditions in the textile industry and the importance of sustainable practices. With his extensive research and dedication, Marcel sheds light on the hidden impacts of commodity production and the need for stronger regulations and better monitoring systems.

00:37- About Marcel Gomes

  • Marcel is the Executive Secretary of the NGO, Repórter Brasil. 
  • He has been coordinating research on the social and environmental impacts of commodity supply chains and textile and garment production. 
  • In 2024, Marcel received the Goldman Environmental Prize for his work in South and Central America. 

02:03- What made you select your focus on the social and environmental impacts of supply chains?

  • Insufficient journalistic coverage of social and environmental issues in both Brazilian and international outlets.
  • Witnessing firsthand the problems caused by the expansion of the commodity sector in Brazil.
  • Recognition of the dual role of commodities as a source of income and a cause of environmental and social labor issues.

18:20- How do deforestation and land use change, impact sub-commodity supply chains?

  • Increased cultivation of soybean, corn, cotton, and sugar cane in southern Brazil pushes other industries northward.
  • Significant deforestation, particularly illegal, in the Amazon area to accommodate the expanding cattle industry, now hosting almost 50% of Brazil’s cattle herd.
  • Shifting agricultural activities northwards leads to substantial deforestation and land use changes, affecting local ecosystems and supply chains.


Learn more about Marcel Gomes: LinkedIn

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Thanks for listening! 


  • Marcel is the Executive Secretary of the NGO, Repórter Brasil. 
  • He has been coordinating research on the social and environmental impacts of commodity supply chains and textile and garment production. 
  • In 2024, Marcel received the Goldman Environmental Prize for his work in South and Central America. 

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