Aliza Knox, Author, Don’t Quit Your Day Job: The 6 Mindshifts You Need to Rise and Thrive at Work

Aliza Knox, Author, Don’t Quit Your Day Job: The 6 Mindshifts You Need to Rise and Thrive at Work

  • She is the Author of Don’t Quit Your Day Job: 6 Mindshifts to Rise and Thrive at Work.




Career development is the process of choosing a career, improving your skills, and advancing along a career path. It’s a lifelong process of learning and decision-making that brings you closer to your ideal job, skill set, and lifestyle.

Find out more about the factors and obstacles that affect a person’s career development in this episode with Aliza Knox.

00:46- About Aliza Knox

  • She is the Author of Don’t Quit Your Day Job: 6 Mindshifts to Rise and Thrive at Work.
  • She was nominated IT Woman of the Year (Asia) 2020.
  • She has been in the top 100 Women in Tech (Singapore).
  • She was also the AWA Singapore International Business Woman of the Year in 2015.
  • She is a contributing columnist at Forbes.

01:43- What was your motivation behind writing the book?

  • Many people talk to me when they have a turning point in their career.
  • I have spent so much time having coffee with people while discussing these issues.
  • In tech, I learned that you have to be scalable.
  • I thought if I write about what I am doing to help people, everyone can read, and I can scale.
  • The book is mostly the stories of the people that I have worked with. The idea is that they should resonate with the readers, and readers can get mentoring, advice, and opinions from me.

03:44- Mindshifts to Rise and Thrive at Work

  • Stamina-Stamina is a muscle, build it. Stamina is Perseverance + Enthusiasm.
  • Things you can do to create stamina-Make sure that you have time for things that you like.
  • People need things that give them energy. Getting a night of good sleep is very important for building stamina.

13:38- 2 questions to ask yourself when you are at a crossroad

  • What are my priorities?
  • Is this a one-way door?

16:59- How does the Gig Economy impact careers?

  • The biggest perk of the Gig is that you have more flexibility. I’m not sure how much that will last if we have a big recession.
  • The downside is that you are less visible if you want to be promoted within a company and if you want to rise.


You can connect with Aliza Knox- LinkedIn

Get her book

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  • She is the Author of Don’t Quit Your Day Job: 6 Mindshifts to Rise and Thrive at Work.
  • She was nominated IT Woman of the Year (Asia) 2020.
  • She has been in the top 100 Women in Tech (Singapore).
  • She was also the AWA Singapore International Business Woman of the Year in 2015.
  • She is a Contributing columnist at Forbes.

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