Abhishek Dalmia, Chairman, Renaissance Group.
In this episode brought to you by ‘The Brand Called You,’ Abhishek Dalmia, Chairman of ‘Renaissance Group’ talks about his incredible life as a highly successful investor.
In this episode brought to you by ‘The Brand Called You,’ Abhishek Dalmia, Chairman of ‘Renaissance Group’ talks about his incredible life as a highly successful investor.
Abhishek, who is a businessman, investor, and philanthropist, shares with us the three key milestones in his life and his learnings. The investment guru, after describing his style of investing, explains what ‘value investing’ is.
Abhishek talks about his areas of investment and he analyzes to what extent an investor should participate in the governance of the company he/she has invested in.
In the section that follows, Abhishek talks about his life as a philanthropist. He explains the working and methodology of ‘Literacy India,’ an NGO that works towards improving the literacy rate in India.
The focus of the conversation then switches to Abhishek’s personal life. Abhishek defines his interpretation of success along with sharing with us his sources of inspiration.
Spent about five years working in various family businesses before becoming an investor. Started with secondary market equities and graduated into private equity. Being a part of one of the oldest business families in India, our approach to investing is more in the Berkshire Hathaway mould, wherein we tend to hold our investments permanently, with rare exceptions. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to understand both, the business side of things and the investors side. This combined knowledge helps in becoming a better businessman and a better investor. I have also been involved with a Gurgaon-based NGO ,which has been running schools for the underprivileged since 1995.
Specialties: Entrepreneurship, mentoring, investing