Category Archives: Male

Utkarsh Narang, Learning Consultant, Executive Coach, Facilitator, and Content Creator

Utkarsh is the learning facilitator and executive coach.
He is also a content creator, from being a physiotherapist to filming and editing 400 hours of content for Columbia Business School professor to scaling a startup and leading sales, he now helps individuals and teams outperform themselves.

Siddhartha Sengupta, Founder, and MD, Samskrt Natural Wellbeing Co Pvt Ltd

Siddharth is the Founder and Managing Director of Samskrt Natural Wellbeing Company, Private Limited that is focused on preventive, predictive healthcare and reversal of lifestyle diseases, which is based on Ayurveda.
He was earlier with Indofil, Clariant, Merck, Arkema and BASF.