Category Archives: Male

Hamid Montakab | Founder, Academy of Chinese Healing Arts; Author

Dr. Montakab is the Founder of the Academy of Chinese Healing Arts.
He is the Co-Founder and President of the Swiss Professional Organization for TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine).

Nicholas Witherick | Director and Founder, EAGLE Transformational Coaching

Nicholas is the Director and Founder of EAGLE Transformational Coaching.
He is the author of a book titled, “The Life I Lead: A Practical Guide to Effective Leadership by Creating a Sound Lifestyle. Eagle Transformational Coaching: Discover The YOU That Can Soar”.

Christopher Miller, Author, ‘The Joy of Finding FISH (Fulfilment, Inspiration, Success & Happiness)’

Christopher Miller is a Business and Personal Development Coach.
He is the author of the book titled, The Joy of Finding FISH (Fulfilment, Inspiration, Success & Happiness).

Ron Johnson | Managing Director and Co-founder, Blueprint Creative

Ron is the Managing Director and Co-founder of Blueprint Creative.
He is the author of a book titled, “Tighten Your Shoelaces: How the World’s Leading Companies Defend and Grow Their Brands During a Crisis.”

Claus Raasted, Overpaid Rockstar Consultant

Claus Raasted, Overpaid Rockstar Consultant Claus is the Director of The College of Extraordinary Experiences. He is also the Chief Learning Officer at Academics Academy. Podcast Play in new window | DownloadFollow TBCY RSS Overview In this episode of the Brand Called You, Claus Raasted, a consultant and keynote speaker, discusses lessons from live-action [...]

Dr. Michael Schluter | CBE, Author, ‘No Other Way to Peace in Korea? A Practical Path To Reunification’

Dr. Michael is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Relational Peace Building Initiatives.
He is the author of a book titled, “No Other Way to Peace in Korea? A Practical Path to Reunification”.