Category Archives: Male
Akhil is the Founder of the Universal Enlightenment Forum.
He is the former chairman and senior managing director of the Blackstone Group.
Dr. Michael is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Relational Peace Building Initiatives.
He is the author of a book titled, “No Other Way to Peace in Korea? A Practical Path to Reunification”.
Robert is a 10X business coach.
He has been recognized amongst the top three producers for the 10X program in 2023.
Pranav is a Leadership Developer.
He is a senior executive at the Partha Ghosh Academy of Leadership at IIT Kharagpur.
Alan is the founder of
He’s a programmer, consultant, salesperson and marketer.
David Aaker serves as Vice Chairman at Prophet, a global growth consultancy.
He is also known as the “Father of Modern Branding”.
Yannis is a Professor of Informatics and Telecommunications at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
He is the current President of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
James is a senior international advisor, working with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs’ flagship program in Cambodia called the Cambodia Australian Partnership for Resilient Economic Development.
James is also a recognized global expert in the field of public private dialogue.
Bob is a Belgian theoretical physicist.
He is a Professor of Quantum foundations and the Chief Scientist at Quantinuum.