Partha has shared some very interesting anecdotes from his time at Coal India Limited and BCCL. He even talks about the current status of coal as an energy source and what the future beholds.
Category Archives: Ashutosh Garg
Peter shares some very interesting stories from his initial days of working with large companies. He talks passionately about the digital world and believes in its positive power.
Paul throws light on how one can keep the coaching relationship relevant. He strongly believes that in order to see progress, people should be willing to get coached.
Ruqya is known for her S.M.I.L.E. strategy and coaching. Ruqya gives a very compelling meaning to the word ‘smile’. She describes it as a base for the work she does.
Ruby shares the story behind her successful coaching career and tells us about her role as a Reputation Crisis and Sustainability Strategist.
Fittr is a platform that provides the right knowledge and guidance for health, fitness, and nutrition. Their vision is to make 50 million people fitter!
Robert talks about the significant changes that the country has witnessed and its impact on other countries.
John talks about the benefits of coaching and how it can help with the personal and professional growth of individuals.
He gives some very insightful answers to many dynamic questions asked by our host.
He talks about the changes that have taken place in branding over the years. Rishad highlights some very important points to help brands stay relevant for longer periods.