Category Archives: Education; Author

Conor Grennan, Dean of Students, MBA program, New York University’s Stern School of Business

He is the Dean of students of the MBA program at New York University’s Stern School of Business.
He leads the GenerativeAI@Stern a no-tech initiative aimed at fostering generative AI fluency among NYU Stern students, faculty, and administration.

Dr. Colby B Jubenville, Director, Centre for Student Coaching & Success, Middle Tennessee State University

Dr. Jubenville holds an academic appointment as a Professor at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) and is the Director of the Center for Student Coaching and Success.

Pradip Khandwalla | Former Director IIMA; Author, ‘Fast Forward toward Civilizational Greatness Agenda for India’

Professor Khandwalla is the former director of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
He has authored 16 professional books and over 100 papers.

Prof TV Rao | Chairman, TVRLS and Former Professor, IIMA

Professor Rao is the Chairman of TVRLS and the former Professor of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
He has been credited to have conceptualized and initiated the concept of human resources development.