Category Archives: USA

Jody LaVoie, Founder, Widows in the Workplace, Widow Coach

Jody LaVoie is the Founder of Widows in the Workplace.
She has previously successfully sold a multi-million dollar supply chain/logistics company to Private Equity.

Karrie Mitten | Empowerment Coach; Work-Life Strategist for High Performing Entrepreneurs

Karrie is an empowerment coach and a work-life strategist for high-performing entrepreneurs.
She is also the author of two books titled, “The Sacred Dance” and “Short Sweet and Sacred Volume Two.”

Alexis Walsko, Owner & Visionary, Lola Red, an award-winning PR company

Alexis is the owner and visionary of Lola Red, an award-winning PR company.
In 2015, she also launched Lola Pro, a division representing professional athletes.

Fardad Zabetian | Co-founder AVAtronics; Founder, KUDO

Fardad is the FOunder and CEO of KUDO, a cloud based platform for businesses to collaborate effectively.
He is also the Co-Founder of AVAtronics, which is a R&D and technology company, focused on developing noise cancellation headphones.

Charles Elwood, Founder, SolisMatica and MyAudioBank

Charles Elwood is the founder of SolisMatica LLC and MyAudioBank.
He serves on boards like the West Michigan Asian American Association, Holland Museum, Mediation Services, and Lakeshore Rotaract Club.

Traci Warnberg-Lemm | Strategist & Founder, Social Motion

Traci is a Strategist and a Founder of Social Motion.
It is a training, coaching and consulting company that energises civic, policy and community based solutions and supports leaders that drive them.