Category Archives: Entrepreneur

Shivam Singhee, CEO & Co Founder, Awshad, In the Cannabis & Alternative Wellness Space

Shivam is the chief executive officer and co-founder of Awshad, which is in the cannabis stroke alternative wellness space.
He is from New Delhi, India and is a member of the YPO family.

Marianne Dijkshoorn, Advisor & Speaker on Accessibility & Inclusion; Author

Marianne is the advisor and the speaker on accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities.
She’s also the author of a book titled Make Your Event Accessible For Everyone.

Gaurav Arora | Founder, xMonks; Host of Podcast, The xMonks Drive

Gaurav is the founder of xMonks, which is coaching leaders to move to the next level in their personal and professional lives.
He is the host of a podcast titled, “The xMonks Drive.”