Category Archives: Entrepreneur

Laila Leonida | Founder, Soul Space; Soul Connection Facilitator

Laila is a Soul Connection Facilitator.
She is the Founder of Soul Space, which tapped into spiritual practices through the lens of meditation, yoga and bhakti.

Wade Younger | CEO, Value Wave; Author, ‘Think About What You Think About’

Wade is the Chief Executive Officer of Value Wave.
He is the author of several books and his latest book is, “Think About What You Think About.”

Shirin Karsan | Chair of the Peace Action Network, YPO

Shirin serves as the Chair of the Peace Action Network, one of four impact networks within the Young Presidents Organization (YPO). She is the first female to be elected to this position.
She received her Master of Bioethics degree from the University of Pennsylvania, focusing on the Ethics of Emerging Technologies.