Patience Ogunbona, CEO, Corporate & Business Trainer, John Maxwell Certified Exec Coach

Patience Ogunbona, CEO, Corporate & Business Trainer, John Maxwell Certified Exec Coach

  • Patience is a CEO and a Corporate and Business Trainer.
  • She is a John Maxwell certified executive coach.



Introverts Vs. Extroverts have always been compared, with introverts usually seen in weak light. The research and studies show the benefits and strengths of both sides, but it is usually observed that introverts are more prone to issues of self-doubts. In the entrepreneurial journey, one is expected to be always at a fast pace and full of energy. Does that mean that it is not an introvert’s specie or (s)he cannot succeed? The answer is, with the realization of his/her strengths and putting those into practice, no power can hold anyone back based on their nature as an introvert or an extrovert.

[00:36] – About Patience Ogunbona

  • Patience is a CEO and a Corporate and Business Trainer. 
  • She is a John Maxwell certified executive coach.
  • Patience is also the author of two books and is writing the third one.
  • Patience started her journey in the corporate world in accounting and branched into auditing.
  • She took a step to re-evaluate her life after her mother’s death.

[02:50] – How do you help your clients overcome self-doubt, and what are the challenges they face?

  • Introversion is being too overwhelmed by external stimuli. That then means shrinking back. If you are an introvert, you would hear more noise than an extrovert would.
  • The biggest challenge because of shrinking back is the self-doubt if I can cope in the fast-paced, noisy world.
  • People then narrow down their ambitions, which prevents the fulfillment of potential.
  • I help them to step out to become courageous self-leaders, which helps them to develop and expand their potential.
  • With leadership skills, you can alleviate your thinking and confidence. Thus, you don’t have to be loud to be proud.

[06:03] – Tell me about your four tips to help introverts find the focus to succeed in a noisy and fast world.

  • The first tip is to know yourself; where you self-sabotage and understand the barriers that you face. It also includes knowing your strengths.
  • The second tip is to control the noise. This means realizing what becomes too much and finding the courage to step back from it. Most of the time, the whole entrepreneurial journey is about doing things, and it is considered odd if you take a step back, and do not push hard enough. You need to step back from the noise to what yourself.
  • The third is to monitor the energy levels.
  • The last tip is to create momentum one step at a time. It is ok to be a tortoise because perseverance is your superpower. Just go at your own pace and deliver what you need to deliver.


You can connect with Patience Ogunbona – LinkedIn 

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Thanks for listening! 


  • Patience is a CEO and a Corporate and Business Trainer.
  • She is a John Maxwell certified executive coach.
  • Patience is also the author of two books and is writing the third one.
  • Patience started her journey in the corporate world in accounting and branched into auditing.
  • She took a step to re-evaluate her life after her mother’s death.

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