Helané Wahbeh, Director of Research, Institute of Noetic Sciences; Author

Helané Wahbeh, Director of Research, Institute of Noetic Sciences; Author

  • Helané Wahbeh is the director of research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
  • She’s an author of a book titled- The Science of Channelling. 



In philosophy, noetic is a branch of metaphysics concerned with the study of the mind as well as the intellect. There is also a reference to the science of noetics, which covers the field of thinking and knowing as well as mental operations, processes, states, and products through the data of the written word. In today’s episode of The Brand Called You,  Helané Wahbeh talks about noetic science and psychics, and she also talks about the science of consciousness. Helané talks about her book called The Science of Channelling. 

00:35-  About  Helané Wahbeh

  • Helané Wahbeh is the director of research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
  • She’s an author of a book titled- The Science of Channelling. 

08:50- What is the difference between channeling and being a psychic?

  • Channeling is the process of accessing information and energy from beyond our conventional notions of time and space that can be receptive and expressive.
  • Psychic is included in that broad definition. The confusion about the terms depends on who you talk to

09:37- What are some of these taboos?

  • Taboos are things that people are afraid to talk about. 
  • Our current paradigm is materialistic, which means that the only thing that exists is the material. 
  • Channeling is immaterial, you can’t touch it and can’t sense it with our five senses.
  • There’s a taboo about even exploring these research questions. 
  • There is also an ancestral red flag about coming out of the channeling closet.

17:36- What is the science of consciousness? Why is it important?

  • There’s evidence that our consciousness transcends our brain, it can access information from halfway across the world.
  • It can sense what people are thinking, it can sense beyond time into the future, knowing things about the past that it couldn’t possibly know. 
  • Our work at IONS is about evaluating this concept of non-local consciousness.
  • The notion is that our brain is not the originator of it, and our consciousness goes far beyond our physical brain.

21:34- Three lessons you want our viewers and listeners to take away from your journey and our conversation?

  • You are more than what you may believe yourself to be.
  • Nurture your ability, even if it’s a minute a day, to become still and quiet and go within.
  • The power of belief and intention can affect the physical world.
  • When you set your intention to tap into your channeling abilities, your next step on this wonderful exploration journey will unfold.


You can connect with  Helané Wahbeh- LinkedIn

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  • Helané Wahbeh is the director of research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
  • She’s an author of a book titled- The Science of Channelling.

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