Roy Moëd, Founder & CEO, LifeBook Memoirs

Roy Moëd, Founder & CEO, LifeBook Memoirs

  • Roy Moëd is the  founder and CEO of LifeBook Memoirs.
  • He has worked over 100 autobiographies and memories, enabling your clients to pass on their stories to the next generations to come. 



In this insightful interview with Roy Moëd, Co-founder of LifeBook Memoirs, we delve into the profound significance of preserving personal narratives and family histories. Discover the journey behind LifeBook’s mission to capture over a thousand life stories worldwide. Learn how technology and human touch intersect to create enduring legacies and combat loneliness among the elderly. Explore the transformative impact of storytelling and the invaluable lessons it holds for generations to come.

00:38- About Roy Moëd

  • Roy Moëd is the  founder and CEO of LifeBook Memoirs.
  • He has worked over 100 autobiographies and memories, enabling your clients to pass on their stories to the next generations to come. 

11:46- Who at the end of the day is the audience who is going to read these books?

  • Primarily, the audience for these books are grandchildren or future generations who want to know about their family history and stories.
  • Sometimes, the books serve as a way for children to understand their parents’ stories and experiences.
  • In some cases the audience can be more immediate, like the children who may never know their deceased father, seeking to learn about him through collected stories and messages.

36:31- What would your advice be to all the old people out there listening to this?

  • Encourage older adults to engage in projects or activities that give them purpose and something to look forward to.
  • Combat loneliness and isolation among the elderly by fostering connections with family, friends, and neighbours.
  • Emphasize the importance of preserving and sharing personal stories and legacies for future generations through initiatives like life books.


Learn more about Roy Moëd: LinkedIn

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  • Roy Moëd is the  founder and CEO of LifeBook Memoirs.
  • He has worked over 100 autobiographies and memories, enabling your clients to pass on their stories to the next generations to come. 

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