Mariette Richardson | Founder & Director | My Voice UK Ltd |Author

Mariette Richardson | Founder & Director | My Voice UK Ltd |Author

  • Mariette Richardson is an international performance coach, concentrating on the improvement of public speaking resulting in the delivery of top-class presentations for winning over the audience and closing deals. 
  • Qualified to Bachelor’s degree level with extensive experience in the media industry, she offers professional coaching for any speaking role. 



Mariette Richardson wants to see you emerge as a confident, credible and trustworthy communicator. Next time you join a meeting, you should look as if you have an important announcement to make or an exciting contribution to share. Mariette is committed to working with you and your team to produce self-assured and commanding professionals.

 00:39- About Mariette Richardson and her journey.

  • Mariette Richardson is an international performance coach, concentrating on the improvement of public speaking resulting in the delivery of top-class presentations for winning over the audience and closing deals. 
  • Qualified to Bachelor’s degree level with extensive experience in the media industry, she offers professional coaching for any speaking role. 
  • Since she has presented on television herself, she is well versed in camera and microphone techniques which is a most sought-after skill in online communication. 
  • She comes from a family knowledgeable in voice production and drama techniques, (her father was the President of his Toastmasters Club and her aunt owned her voice training studio). 

03:14- About My Voice UK ltd.

  • My Voice UK has been founded to offer you expert guidance on your journey of discovering the power of your voice.  
  • We communicate with our whole bodies, therefore a speaker’s diet, styling and grooming, body language and voice technique all form an integral part of the holistic training My Voice UK offers. 

07:53- Challenges people face while communicating & public speaking

  • Feeling of not being heard.
  • Everything about your personality says before you utter a single word. 
  • Fear of judgement 

12:00- Pointers for better public speaking.

  • Get the look- You have to brush your teeth 
  • You got to have the right stance- create space between your ears and shoulders. 
  • Never ever fold your arms.
  • Never lift your chin too high. 
  • Make eye contact.
  • Smile, and be open and receptive. 
  • Don’t talk, entertain them. 
  • Don’t walk in a stride.

20:20- About your book, Free the Hidden Speaker Inside.

  • An inspirational and compassionate book challenging you to confront your uncertainties about speaking in front of people.
  • You’ll learn how to stand, where to look, what to do with your hands and how to acquire a beautiful, resonant voice. There is a speaker inside you… waiting to shine.
  • This book is aimed at everyone who speaks in public no matter what level they may be at as the advice applies to all speakers whether it is in front of an audience, in the boardroom or online.
  • The book reassures one that it’s perfectly normal to feel judged when you face a myriad of strangers but by providing the tools and tricks of the trade, one gains the courage to stand up and face the challenge.


You can connect with Mariette Richardson | on LinkedIn














  • Mariette Richardson is an international performance coach, concentrating on the improvement of public speaking resulting in the delivery of top-class presentations for winning over the audience and closing deals. 
  • Qualified to Bachelor’s degree level with extensive experience in the media industry, she offers professional coaching for any speaking role. 
  • Since she has presented on television herself, she is well versed in camera and microphone techniques which is a most sought-after skill in online communication. 
  • She comes from a family knowledgeable in voice production and drama techniques, (her father was the President of his Toastmasters Club and her aunt owned her voice training studio). 

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