Category Archives: Male
Lt Gen Kamath is a highly distinguished general who has held some of the most coveted appointments in the Indian Army.
He says that learning robotics brings all these things together which is a good package for a student.
Mr. Kumar talks about UiPath as a successful example of Brand Marketing and further how important it is especially for start-ups.
Understanding the flow of money and having investors on board becomes a nightmare for people who want to enter the world of entrepreneurship.
To understand the Middle-Eastern markets, we have invited an expert in this field. Our guest for today, David Singleton, has been working in the Middle Eastern countries for a very long time.
The Kidney is 8 times more efficient than what is needed for any other organ, said Dr. Rao as he explained the functioning of this very vital organ of our body.
The new trend of 10-minute delivery or 30 minutes delivery from grocery e-commerce platforms, is disrupting the supply chain systems.
When he started Netcompany, he knew that IT and other technology will change the world entirely.
Even well-known names like Warren Buffet call Bridge a sensational game, so much so, that Buffet feels he wouldn’t mind being in jail if he had 3 cellmates who were decent players.