Category Archives: Male

Harsh Mankad, Founder and President, Tenicity, Former India’s No 1 Tennis Player

Ashutosh and Harsh converse about the present status of the sport in the country. Harsh strongly believes that the professional, economic and technical aspects of the game have changed greatly.

Robin Kermode, Communications Coach

Robin shares his journey from being an actor to taking up Coaching as a profession. He talks majorly about his role as a Communications Coach. He shares how he has helped a number of people overcome some major communication issues. Robin also throws light on the most common communication issues people face very often.

Julian Roberts, Founder Julian Roberts Consulting

Julian’s experience as a coach has been that of immense learnings. He speaks about the importance of coaching in the modern-day. Julian also throws light on the increasing interest of people towards coaching.

Partha S Bhattacharyya, Former Chairman, Coal India Ltd

Partha has shared some very interesting anecdotes from his time at Coal India Limited and BCCL. He even talks about the current status of coal as an energy source and what the future beholds.

Peter Yoong, Founder, Pulsifi

Peter shares some very interesting stories from his initial days of working with large companies. He talks passionately about the digital world and believes in its positive power.

How has China evolved over the past decades? | Robert Daudt, Managing Partner, Asia Plus Capital Ltd

Robert Daudt, Managing Partner, Asia Plus Capital Ltd

Robert talks about the significant changes that the country has witnessed and its impact on other countries.