Category Archives: Human Resources

Lindsay Uittenbogaard | Founder and CEO, Mirror Mirror, Team Alignment Diagnostics

Lindsay is the Founder and CEO of Mirror Mirror, which is a team alignment diagnostics organisation.
She founded her first company at the age of 22 after graduating as a music major.

Laura Gerrits Gedvile | Founder and Soul of The Holistic Business Paradigm

Laura is the Founder and Soul of The Holistic Business Paradigm.
She aims to inspire and co-create business ecosystems working beyond hierarchies while being fully aligned with their impact and soul.

Sachin Sandhir | Founder and CEO, GenLeap

Sachin Sandhir | Founder and CEO, GenLeap Sachin is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of GenLeap, which is India's first DNA based self-discovery and career management platform. He is also a specialist in building startups and he has built four successful businesses.  Podcast Play in new window | DownloadFollow TBCY RSS Overview As [...]

Mark C Crowley | Author, Lead From The Heart – Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century

Mark spent 20 years with the FinTech industry.
He is an author of a book titled, “Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century.”

Mark spent 20 years with the FinTech industry.He is an author of a book titled, “Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century.”

Josh Allan Dykstra | CEO of #lovework (

Josh is the Chief Executive Officer of Lovework, a platform that helps large organisations reduce burnout and create great teamwork.
He is a recognised thought leader on the future of work and company culture.