K. R. Prabha (Prabha) brings nearly 25 years of international executive and consulting experience in the healthcare ecosystem.
Category Archives: Pharma; Healthcare
Keith Terasaki is the chairman of Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation.
Dr. Xiling Shen: Professor and the Chief Scientific Officer of the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation; Entrepreneur.
Mary Lou creates bold visions of the future. She invents novel hardware/software systems on the hairy edge of what the physics will do.
Bryan Se To is founder & CEO of Lexly Health. He is creating a pain-relief space to solve body problems related to back, neck or shoulder pain.
Erin is a crystal jewellery designer & Founder of IVY+Light.
Prof Alexander is the president of Office Plants by Everything Grows. He is the author of the book titled, “Lighten Your Day: Fast, Easy & Effective Stress Relief”.
Shachar Cohen is the Co-Founder of Mindset which is An IDC Club for Personal Empowerment.
Shalini is the co-founder of India Hemp & Co.
Sir Cary Cooper is the founding president of The British Academy of Management.