Gregory founded E2 Adventures, a non-profit/charity specialising in organizing field trips for young students.
He is passionate about bridging education and the real world and inspiring the next generation to take active steps to develop a sustainable and innovative world.
Category Archives: YPO
Christina is a confidence coach.
She is the host of a podcast, ‘Decide it’s Your Turn Podcast.’
Hayley is the Co-Founder of Waves Tech Ventures.
She is the Co-Founder of Women Making Waves.
Amir is the owner and chief executive officer of Amirror Group Organizational Development.
He is the co-founder and board member of Million Peacemakers.
Roy Moëd is the founder and CEO of LifeBook Memoirs.
He has worked over 100 autobiographies and memories, enabling your clients to pass on their stories to the next generations to come.
Shravan is the founder and chief executive officer of YOURS Second Homes.
He’s the past president of the Entrepreneurs Organization, or EO.
Molly is the Chief Executive Officer.
She’s an expert in risk management, high-stakes negotiations, interrogation techniques, artificial intelligence, body language analysis and security strategy and planning.
Dr. Wilderer is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Aqueous Vets.
She is a YPO member.
Harry is the founder of StudioHawk, an award-winning dedicated SEO agency in Australia, specialising in providing quality SEO services to businesses.
His journey has been chronicled by Forbes and BBC World News.
Giovanna D’Esposito is a Senior Portfolio Director at Whysol Investments.
She is also the former General Manager of Uber, Southern Europe.