Starting a business requires a lot of effort and commitment. It’s important to know what’s involved and if you’re suited to business and self-employment.
Category Archives: India
Convincing family and friends to become a full-time entrepreneur and leaving the job was a big challenge.
The percentage of vegans and vegetarians is as small as 6-11% in this world as per the United Nations’ figures.
The role of HR has evolved from being just a support system to a C-suite executive partnership, owing to the fast-paced changing work environments.
We recommend you take some time to critically evaluate yourself and the challenges of owning a business.
India Leaders for Social Sector (ILSS) is a learning and development organization that aims to build capacity and leadership talent in the Indian social sector.
The demand for quality education is rising much faster than the supply. And there have been some efforts. There are more IITs.
The key changes that happened in the business environment because of the pandemic.
Who doesn’t want to grab a quick burger after a hectic day? No time to wait for an elaborate meal? Well, you always have a burger.
It comes from the group leadership with trust. When you say LEADERSHIP, you TRUST!