Category Archives: UK

Dr. Sachin Shende | CEO, FarmSetu Technologies

Dr. Shende is the Chief Executive Officer of FarmSetu Technologies, India.
It is the full stack agri-food supply chain management platform focusing on the Indian agri market.

Salam Sarhan | Founder & Secretary General, BPUR International

Salam is the founder and Secretary General of BPUR International.
He holds over 22 years of experience as a TV presenter, producer, and reporter for business news programs with a few leading TV channels including the BBC.

Richard Foster-Fletcher | Executive Chair,

Richard is the Executive Chair of, a podcast show.
He is passionate about artificial intelligence and other frontier technologies to create a sustainable, ethical and inclusive future.

Dr. Manoj Krishna | Founder, Human Wisdom Project & HumanWisdom app

Dr. Krishna is the Founder of the Human Wisdom Project.
He is an author of a book titled, ‘Understanding Me, Understanding You’ and ‘Stress Free’.

Dr. Paul J du Plessis | Prof of Roman Law, School of Law, The University of Edinburgh

Dr. J du Plessis is the professor of Roman Law School of Law at the University of Edinburgh.
He is the author of six books with publishers including Oxford University Press and Bloomsbury.