Building a brand is a crucial aspect of any business. It is the foundation on which a company’s reputation, recognition, and loyalty are built.
Category Archives: USA
Walter Zev Feldman is credited with spearheading the revival of Klezmer music in the 1970s, bringing to life this relatively unknown form of traditional Jewish music.
Dr. Talluri is the Hoagland Metzler Endowed Professor at the Broad College of Business, Michigan State University.
He is a professor of Supply Chain Management.
Sandeep Chennakeshu is a Business Transformation Veteran. He is the author of Your Company Is Your Castle.
Sean Magennis is the CEO of Mutual Capital Alliance Inc.He has specialized in scaling professional services firms
He got a degree in finance from Emory University. He used to work in multinational quality control at a consultancy firm.
David L Steinberg is a “2018 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee” by the (IWA) International Writers and Artists Association.
He is the recipient of the “2019 Changemaker Award” granted by the NJ League of Conservation Voters.
Dean West is the Founder and President of Association Laboratory. He is a globally recognized thought leader and futurist.
Savio P Clemente is a board-certified wellness coach. Savio is a journalist and a best-selling author.
Tony founded Honeywell Quantum Solutions and served as President.
In November 2021, he oversaw the combination of HQS and Cambridge Quantum Computing to form Quantinuum, the world’s largest integrated quantum computing company where he currently serves as President and Chief Operating Officer.