Discussing the changes recruitment industry has seen, Andrew talks about his theory of taking a person as SKA
Category Archives: Business Leader
Chistopher is a c-suite executive, a digital entrepreneur, a board member, a former Mckinsey partner and he did his MBA from Kellogg. He is also the chief digital and strategy officer for Trustmark Benefits.
Oleg Volkosh is the president of Media Plus Group in Russia.
Clariter is a venture that makes use of plastic waste to turn it into products that are needed and demanded in society.
Brand Identity is the strongest tool of a business. The world functions on good impact and the power of consumers.
He talks about the key metrics of investments and the impact of global markets on the US Real estate market.
Gopal shares his amazing journey of working with two of India’s most prestigious companies.
As an active scenario planner, Daniel shares what exactly, scenario planning is. He believes that the future is pluralistic.
Leadership is a two way commitment. Leaders not only impart wisdom and skills to their colleagues but also learn a great deal from them.