The people in an organization can only direct their efforts in the right direction when they have a leader to look forward to.
Category Archives: Business Leader
He is Co-Founder and Partner of Business inSITE Group (BiG), a strategic partnership focused on coaching.
Saurav Chawla co-Founded OkayGo, a job tech startup that matches businesses with millions of gig.
A rich career repository – with unique exponential ideas, courage, passion and authenticity.
A clinical psychologist but a victimologist and a traumatologist, Dr. Yael Danieli started the first program to help holocaust.
Machine learning and deep learning is the future. Data and information will be the most essential and influential thing.
Cities need to become more sustainable in order to help solve our environmental problems.
Fabian Dattner provides women with the skills they need to face significant challenges and increase the number of women in leadership positions.
Cognitive demographics are about how people self-perceive in the value hierarchy.