Prof. Emma Seppälä | PhD, Author, ‘Sovereign’; Yale School of Management Faculty

Prof. Emma Seppälä | PhD, Author, ‘Sovereign’; Yale School of Management Faculty

  • Prof. Emma Seppälä is the author of a book titled, “Sovereign” and “The Happiness Track.”
  • She is a member of the Yale School of Management Faculty.



In a world filled with distractions and chaos, achieving inner freedom becomes paramount. Join us in this enlightening discussion with Prof. Emma Seppälä, as we explore the concept of sovereignty and its significance in navigating life’s challenges. From the role of emotions to cultivating self-compassion, discover powerful insights to unlock your true potential. 

[00:34] – About Prof. Emma Seppälä

  • Prof. Emma Seppälä is the author of a book titled, “Sovereign” and “The Happiness Track.”
  • She is a member of the Yale School of Management Faculty.
  • She is also a psychologist.

[03:27] – How do you define the concept of sovereignty in the context of your book?

  • I define sovereignty as having inner freedom that unleashes one’s greatest potential and power.
  • Sovereignty enables individuals to transcend behaviours, belief systems, and addictions that limit their potential.

[05:44] – What are some common misconceptions about achieving sovereignty in one’s life?

  • The common misconception is that external success equates to freedom.
  • However, it is important to address inner traps such as self-criticism and suppression of emotions to achieve true sovereignty.

[21:49] – How does societal or cultural conditioning impact our ability to be sovereign?

  • Societal and cultural conditioning can influence individuals’ beliefs and behaviours, often leading to self-criticism, fear, and conformity. 
  • One needs to question such conditioning to reclaim personal sovereignty.


Learn more about Prof. Emma Seppälä: LinkedIn

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  • Prof. Emma Seppälä is the author of a book titled, “Sovereign” and “The Happiness Track.”
  • She is a member of the Yale School of Management Faculty.
  • She is also a psychologist.

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